Commands to use War System
Command Description
/war invite, guild name, fraglimit Sends an invitation to start the war. Example: /war invite, Chickens, 150 (invite a guild to war with 150 frags count.)
/war invite, guild name, fraglimit, money Send the invitation to start the war. Example: /war invite, Chickens, 150, 10000 (invite a guild to war with 150 frags count and payment of 10000 gold coins <- you need donate to guild to use it.)
/war accept, guild name Accepts the invitation to start a war. Example: /war accept, Chickens (accept the war against guild "Chickens".)
/war reject, guild name Rejects the invitation to start a war. Example: /war reject, Chickens (reject a invitation to war from Chickens.)
/war end, guild name Cancels the invitation. Example: /war cancel, Chickens (cancel my guild invitation to war with Chickens.)
/balance See the guild balance - balance of money.
/balance donate value Deposits money on the guild's bank account. All players can donate. Example: /balance donate 100000 (you will donate 100k to your guild balance.)
/balance pick value Withdraws money from the guild's bank account. Can be used only by the guild leader. Example: /balance pick 100000 (you will withdraw 100k from your guild balance.)

Guilds command optional
Este comando facilita a comunição entre as guilds para convites de Wars ou qualquer outro tipo de assunto.
Exemplo do comando:
/guildbc Alguem quer WAR hoje?
Ao executar o comando todos os players que estiverem em alguma guild irão visualizar a mensagem.
Regras para utilizar o comando:
1 - Só lideres podem utilizar o comando.
2 - Precisa ser level mínimo 185.
3 - Só pode ser executado de 10 em 10 minutos.
4 - A guild precisa ter no mínimo 10 player adicionados.

Guild leader command optional
Este comando facilita a comunição entre o leader e os players da guild.
Exemplo do comando:
/gc Galera vamos nos preparar para a WAR!
Regras para utilizar o comando:
1 - Só lideres podem utilizar o comando.
2 - O comando só pode ser executado de 10 em 10 segundos.
3 - A guild precisa ter no mínimo 10 player adicionados.

Below is the list of the all wars that are happening, which ended and their respective frags.

Guild Wars
Agressor Information Enemy

0 : 0

On a brutal war
Began on Jan 28 2021, 00:44:27.
The frag limit is set to 100 frags, without any payment.

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Carreta Furacao
1 : 0

On a brutal war
Began on Jan 31 2021, 21:29:08.
The frag limit is set to 100 frags, without any payment.

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0 : 0

On a brutal war
Began on Feb 03 2021, 00:22:46.
The frag limit is set to 999 frags, without any payment.

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Nightmare of Noobs
1 : 0

On a brutal war
Began on Feb 06 2021, 10:49:22.
The frag limit is set to 150 frags, without any payment.

» Details «


Top Experience
1- Colombia Gold
411, Master Sorcerer
2- Bubba
383, Elite Knight
3- Anubis
369, Royal Paladin
4- Agamemnon
363, Elite Knight
5- Sonigii Samanosuke
359, Master Sorcerer

War Castle
Carreta Furacao

Character Sale
Buy Character
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