Task System

Para iniciar sua task é necessário ir até o NPC Grizzly Adams, localizado em Thais próximo ao depot ou em Port Hope a sudeste do depot.
Fale task e escolha o nível de task que você deseja fazer (low, mid ou high). O Grizzly Adams listará todas as tasks possíveis para você, sendo possível fazer até 3 tasks simultaneamente. O progresso da task pode ser consultado no seu quest log.
Algumas tasks podem ser feitas mais de uma vez. Quando a quantidade máxima de vezes for atingida, o Grizzly Adams não oferecerá a task mais para você. Outras tasks exigem que tenha completado uma task anterior ou que tenha um rank específico.
Para cancelar uma task, é necessário ter 3 tasks em aberto. Após finalizar a task volte ao NPC Grizzly Adams e reporte para receber a recompensa.

(Clique para ampliar)
Toda task dá task points como recompensa. Eles serão utilizados para avançar de rank. Ao avançar de rank, além de novas tasks, o Grizzly Adams passará a vender/comprar novos itens. Basta falar trade. Você também recebe 1 boss point assim que avança de rank. Estes pontos podem ser trocados com o Grizzly Adams por permissão para matar bosses especiais. Para ver a lista de bosses oferecidos, fale special.
Grizzly Adams Ranks
10 task points
20 task points
Big Game Hunter
40 task points
Trophy Hunter
70 task points
Elite Hunter
100 task points

Algumas tasks possuem bosses como recompensa. Basta falar boss ou room para ser teleportado para a sala de bosses caso você tenha algum boss para matar. Pise no tile laranja e escolha o boss que deseja matar. Você ficará 5 minutos na sala.

(Clique para ampliar)

Tasks Low Level

Monsters: You need to kill: Rewards:

(Task Points: 1)
Carrion Worm
200 kills

Repeat: 2x
30.000 of experience
30.000 gold

(Task Points: 1)
Cyclops Smith
Cyclops Drone
500 kills

Repeat: 2x
40.000 of experience
40.000 gold

(Task Points: 1)
Crocodile 300 kills

Repeat: 2x
30.000 of experience
30.000 gold
BOSS: The Snapper

(Task Points: 1)
Tarantula 300 kills

Repeat: 2x
30.000 of experience
40.000 gold
BOSS: Hide

(Task Points: 2)
Carniphila 3000 kills 100.000 of experience
BOSS: Tiquandas Revenge

(Task Points: 1)
Mammoth 300 kills

Repeat: 2x
40.000 of experience
40.000 gold
BOSS: The Bloodtusk

Ice Golems
(Task Points: 1)
Ice Golem 500 kills

Repeat: 2x
70.000 of experience
70.000 gold
BOSS: Shardhead

Water Elementals
(Task Points: 1)
Water Elemental
Roaring Water Elemental
Slick Water Elemental
Massive Water Elemental
150 kills 70.000 of experience
30.000 gold

Fire Elementals
(Task Points: 1)
Fire Elemental
Massive Fire Elemental
Blazing Fire Elemental
Blistering Fire Elemental
150 kills 90.000 of experience
30.000 gold

Earth Elementals
(Task Points: 1)
Earth Elemental
Massive Earth Elemental
Jagged Earth Elemental
Muddy Earth Elemental
150 kills 90.000 of experience
30.000 gold

Energy Elementals
(Task Points: 1)
Energy Elemental
Charged Energy Elemental
Massive Energy Elemental
Overcharged Energy Elemental
150 kills 90.000 of experience
30.000 gold

Mutated Rats
(Task Points: 1)
Mutated Rat 500 kills

Repeat: 2x
70.000 of experience
BOSS: Esmeralda

(Task Points: 1)
Minotaur Mage
Minotaur Guard
Minotaur Archer
10000 kills 100.000 of experience
90.000 gold
BOSS: The Horned Fox
ITEM: Nose Ring

Tasks Medium Level

Monsters: You need to kill: Rewards:

(Task Points: 3)
Lizard Chosen
Lizard Dragon Priest
Lizard High Guard
Lizard Legionnaire
Lizard Zaogun
30000 kills 5.000.000 of experience
ITEM: Pocket Fish

Quaras Scout
(Task Points: 1)
Quara Predator Scout
Quara Pincher Scout
Quara Mantassin Scout
Quara Constrictor Scout
Quara Hydromancer Scout
900 kills

Repeat: 2x
150.000 of experience
100.000 gold

Underwater Quaras
(Task Points: 2)
Quara Predator
Quara Constrictor
Quara Hydromancer
Quara Mantassin
Quara Pincher
900 kills

Repeat: 2x
200.000 of experience
100.000 gold
BOSS: Thul

Crystal Spiders
(Task Points: 1)
Crystal Spider 800 kills

Repeat: 3x
150.000 of experience
BOSS: Webster

Giant Spiders
(Task Points: 2)
Giant Spider 900 kills

Repeat: 2x
70.000 of experience
90.000 gold
BOSS: The Old Widow

Brimstone Bugs
(Task Points: 2)
Brimstone Bug 500 kills

Repeat: 2x
100.000 gold
BOSS: Sulphur Scuttler

(Task Points: 1)
Dragon Lord
Dragon Hatchling
Dragon Lord Hatchling
10000 kills 300.000 of experience
100.000 gold
BOSS: Demodras
ITEM: Dragon Claw

Ancient Scarabs
(Task Points: 3)
Ancient Scarab 500 kills 70.000 of experience

(Task Points: 3)
Hellspawn 1500 kills 200.000 of experience
BOSS: Flameborn

Green Djinns
(Task Points: 3)
Green Djinn
800 kills 100.000 of experience
100.000 gold
BOSS: Merikh The Slaughterer

Blue Djinns
(Task Points: 3)
Blue Djinn
800 kills 100.000 of experience
100.000 gold
BOSS: Fahim The Wise

Mutated Bats
(Task Points: 3)
Mutated Bat 700 kills 60.000 of experience
60.000 gold

BOSS: Bruise Payne

(Task Points: 2)
Warlock 1000 kills

Repeat: 2x
200.000 gold

Bog Raiders
(Task Points: 2)
Bog Raider 1500 kills

Repeat: 2x
500.000 of experience
100.000 gold

(Task Points: 2)
Pirate Buccaneer
Pirate Corsair
Pirate Cutthroat
Pirate Ghost
Pirate Marauder
Pirate Skeleton
6000 kills 200.000 of experience
200.000 gold
Permissão para iniciar a Pirates Bosses

Pirates Bosses
(Task Points: 2)
Pirate Buccaneer
Pirate Corsair
Pirate Cutthroat
Pirate Ghost
Pirate Marauder
Pirate Skeleton
9000 kills 200.000 gold
BOSS: Brutus Bloodbeard
BOSS: Deadeye Devious
BOSS: Lethal Lissy
BOSS: Ron The Ripper

(Task Points: 3)
Hero 5000 kills

Repeat: 2x
800.000 of experience
300.000 gold

(Task Points: 3)
Nightmare Scion
25000 kills 2.000.000 of experience
ITEM: Skin Hewer

(Task Points: 3)
10000 kills 100.000 gold
BOSS: Necropharus
ITEM: Soul Stone

Tasks High Level

Monsters: You need to kill: Rewards:

(Task Points: 2)
Hydra 20000 kills 2.000.000 of experience
BOSS: The Many
Item Custom: Egg of the Many

(Task Points: 3)
Medusa 10000 kills

Repeat: 2x
2.500.000 of experience
1.000.000 gold
BOSS: Gorgo
Item Custom: Lucky Tree-Leaf Amulet

Sea Serpents
(Task Points: 3)
Sea Serpent 3000 kills

Repeat: 2x
800.000 of experience
300.000 gold
BOSS: Leviathan

(Task Points: 2)
Behemoth 800 kills

Repeat: 2x
300.000 of experience
200.000 gold
BOSS: Stonecracker

Serpents Spawn
(Task Points: 3)
Serpent Spawn 7000 kills 700.000 of experience
400.000 gold
BOSS: The Noxious Spawn
Item Custom: claw of The Noxiou...

(Task Points: 3)
Draken Abomination
Draken Elite
Draken Spellweaver
Draken Warmaster
6000 kills

Repeat: 2x
1.500.000 of experience
2.000.000 gold
BOSS: Paiz The Pauperizer

(Task Points: 2)
Hellhound 2000 kills

Repeat: 3x
900.000 of experience
400.000 gold
BOSS: Kerberos

Undead Dragons
(Task Points: 2)
Undead Dragon 900 kills

Repeat: 3x
500.000 of experience
500.000 gold
BOSS: Zanakeph

Ghastly Dragons
(Task Points: 2)
Ghastly Dragon 1500 kills 1.000.000 of experience
1.000.000 gold
BOSS: Ethershreck

Grim Reapers
(Task Points: 3)
Grim Reaper 15000 kills 4.000.000 of experience
4.000.000 gold
Item Custom: Amulet of Theurgy

(Task Points: 3)
Fury 20000 kills 2.500.000 of experience
ITEM: Magical Torch

(Task Points: 2)
Destroyer 1000 kills

Repeat: 2x
250.000 of experience
300.000 gold

(Task Points: 1)
Werewolf 800 kills

Repeat: 2x
900.000 of experience
200.000 gold
BOSS: Hemming

(Task Points: 2)
Defiler 1000 kills

Repeat: 2x
500.000 gold

(Task Points: 2)
20000 kills 2.000.000 of experience
3.000.000 gold
Item Custom: Supreme Cube

Demons Outcast
(Task Points: 3)
Demon Outcast 10000 kills 1.000.000 of experience
3.000.000 gold
Item Custom: Outcast Skull

Western Nightstalkers
(Task Points: 2)
Wester Nightstalker 100000 kills 3.000.000 gold
Permissão para comprar special food
Top Experience
1- Colombia Gold
411, Master Sorcerer
2- Bubba
383, Elite Knight
3- Anubis
369, Royal Paladin
4- Agamemnon
363, Elite Knight
5- Sonigii Samanosuke
359, Master Sorcerer

War Castle
Carreta Furacao

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